Jumat, 03 Agustus 2007

I used to know this girl

I used to know this girl
Who gave her love to me
just me
And with all the games our played
She always seemed to cry
But She never got upset.
hmmmm...but suddenly something bad(good) happens...
I thought that I could fix it
but she never let me in
all of my explanations
Were shut down in the end
When hours turned into days
I begged her to explain
And this is what she say
"Sorry, and thanks a lot bla bla bla"

Taken from Her Space Holiday song's entitled "japanese gum" with some my collaboration.


Oppression among juveniles

This is my research about how oppression is institutionalized.

I post it due to (prolly) there are some people especially for new commers who just found a new community (world). My suggetion is... take the substance of the topic. Just make it Easy On yourself lads! enjoy!


This essay discuses about institutionalized oppression. First of all, I will explain about oppression in Indonesia. As a post-colonialism country, oppression in Indonesia is already in people’s blood. Based on historical fact, Dutch has colonized Indonesia for 350 year (1595-1945). In this term Dutch acted as the oppressor and people of Indonesia as the oppressed. They did the oppression in all way until Indonesian people were really suffered, depraved mentally, physically and psychologically. One of the inherited cultures from the colonialist is hierarchical culture, where people with power demand to be respected from people with no power. As a result, oppression has become a culture in social life, from a small group family to a big group government.

For generations, the oppression is maintained in Indonesia, particularly in many institutions, such as government, military and education institutions. University is one of education institutions which are vulnerable to oppression. Examples of oppressions in universities are lecturers to students, students to cleaning service, and senior students to junior students. In this essay, I focus on the last one, senior student(s) to junior student(s).

Along Indonesia education history during 1960s, hazing activities was known as MAPRAM. There are many victims at that time. Then, the 1971 Ministry of Education and Culture Decree was constituted as a response to eliminate MAPRAM and change it by Pekan Orientasi Studi (POS). Despite the decree, the oppression was still continued. Once again, POS was changed to Orientasi Siswa (OS) and later in 1990s there’s a new name called Orientasi Siswa dan Pengenalan Kampus (OSPEK) until now (Forum UI, August 4th 2007 ).

Senior students (oppressor) conduct the oppression to new students (oppressed) through hazing activities. Senior student group makes programs such as Orientasi Kampus (OK) which held by each faculty and Pengenalan kampus (PEKA) which held by each department. There are many ways in doing the oppression - assigning new student to do physical activity such as push up, slapping new student when they make mistakes are included to physical oppression, yelling in high tone with sarcastic language is included to psychological oppression.

This essay focuses on how oppression is institutionalized in universities. The machine engineering department UPI is chosen as the object of research because they have a strong tradition in oppression and are known as the hardest among other department in UPI in conducting hazing activities. A small scale survey has been conducted to gain data from the students about the issue.

In order to gain data, a close-ended questionnaire, consists of 10 questions and has been distributed to 20 students of machine engineering department. The questions are utilized to ask their opinion about hazing activities in their department. The respondents were students from the class of 2003, 2004, 2005 because they have experienced hazing activities both as seniors and new students.


Since there various definitions of oppression and institutionalized in different context, there has to be a limitation concerning to the terms of “oppression” and “institutionalized”. According to Sherover-Marcuse (2000),

“Oppression is the systematic and insidious mistreatment of individuals on the basis of their membership in various groups, which are disadvantaged by the institutionalized imbalances in social power in a particular society”

Oppression happens in a community/ group because there’s a superior side and inferior side. Superior side is a group who has more power to control than others. While inferior side is a group who has less power than superior group. There are two types of power, first is tangible power, usually in physic such as money, machine, vehicle, etc. Second is intangible power, usually in soft skill, such as interpersonal skill, adaptation skill, organizational skill, etc. Superior side is the oppressor and inferior side is the oppressed. Oppressor and oppressed can be individual (personal) or groups (more than 2 person). In this case seniors act as Oppressor and new students act as oppressed (victim).

Moreover, the systematic and insidious mistreatment is the same as with the hazing activities that contains belittling, denial, or disgraces the new students’ value as humans. Such dehumanization can be in form of physical mistreatment, e.g. assigning new student to do physical activity such as push up, slapping new student when they make mistakes are included to physical oppression. Yelling in high tone with sarcastic language is included to psychological oppression. Thus, such physical and mental mistreatment can be categorized as oppression.

The main focus of this essay is how oppression is institutionalized. According to WordWeb dictionary, Institutionalized is: Given a character of an institution or incorporated into a structured and usually well-established system. If we talk about a variable institutionalized as a conditions, it means some conditions when a community/ group try to make a perpetual condition in for a long period, in the other words is tradition, without any significant changes from the community/group and unopposed by people who are the targeted group.

Hence, in order to maintain the tradition, the oppression must be inherited to the next successor, that is, the target group that has been socialized with oppression. Consequently, oppression has become institutionalized and is difficult to be eliminated from universities.

In relation to the method above, Machiavelli (1513) states that:

“WHENEVER those states which have been acquired as stated have been accustomed to live under their own laws and in freedom, there are three courses for those who wish to hold them: the first is to ruin them, the next is to reside there in person, the third is to permit them to live under their own laws, drawing a tribute, and establishing within it an oligarchy which will keep it friendly to you. Because such a government, being created by the prince, knows that it cannot stand without his friendship and interest, and does its utmost to support him; and therefore he who would keep a city accustomed to freedom will hold it more easily by the means of its own citizens than in any other way.”

Furthermore, Machiavelli’s theory also say:

“Princedoms are either hereditary, in which the sovereignty is derived through an ancient line of ancestor, or they are new.”

Obviously, new students in this context it’s totally different from citizens pointed out by Machiavelli. But a new student can be considered as a new state or community. According to Fairchild, community is stated as

“Sub group many of the characteristics of society, but on smaller scale, and with less existence and coordinated common interest. The community has more limited self- sufficiency than society but within those limits has closer relation and deeper sympathy.”

According to this statement, a senior student also have same characteristic with citizen in Machiavelli is approach. Thus, this theory is applicable to the process of application of power hierarchy to a new student in university which considered as “new state”.


As has been mentioned in previous section, Twenty student of Machine Engineering Department has been selected, Indonesia University if Education from class of 2003, 2004, 2005 as the selected respondents because they experienced both as seniors (oppressor) and new students (oppressed). We choose Machine Engineering because the department has a strong tradition in oppression and is known as the hardest among other department in UPI in conducting hazing activities.

Based on the answer, most of them (80%), as new students, at first they were skeptic or negative to hazing activities because they don’t want to be oppress, since there are many people victimize by the hazing activities especially in Universities.

The new student has changed their perception to positive after they participate in hazing activities. Majority of the respondents (80%) answered that the hazing gave positive impact on their mental building as organization members.

Despite the hazing in machine engineering can be categorized cruel, a half of the respondents (50%) answered that they feel no problem at all. Thus, Machiavelli theory concerning to state conquer is true. The method of hazing by first is to give the new students a shock therapy, next is to set them as inferior group, the third to receive them as a part of community under oligarchy. Therefore, the majority of the positive responses clarify that the oppression is an effective method to build their character as the seniors intended to.

Then, to strengthen the assumption that oppression is institutionalized by tradition, the respondents were asked whether they intend change the given tradition, 60% of respondents answered that it doesn’t need to be changed since it is effective in acquiring respect from the new students, its in line with another Machiavelli theory that a ruler and his successors can maintain their throne in a state, which states that Princedom is inherited, in which a power to rule a state is derived from an ancestor to successors.

Based their answers, we consider harsh hazing activities a best way to create a new cadre in their organization.


The result shows that hazing new student harshly as a form of oppression in universities, particularly in Machine Engineering department, Indonesia University of Education, is a succeed way to acquire respect from the new student. So it’s clear a Machiavelli theory about the three steps concerning to state conquer is true in a way to form a new students to be what seniors want to be.

Moreover, instituting hazing activity as tradition is an effective method to set oppression institutionalized. In accordance to Machiavelli theory that Princedom and his successor can maintain their power in a state and inherit it from ancient line of ancestor to successor and pass to the next successor. In this context a new students is a successors that being oppressed and they will pass to the next new student. With such harsh hazing activities which are continually perpetuated, the oppression is institutionalized in Machine Engineering department, UPI and it hard to be reduced.


Harsh hazing activities have become old fashioned today because of their negative excess to student. The new students tend to blow their revenge when they have turned to be seniors. The seniors tend to exploit their power over new students to bully them. Whereas, if we see more consciously, the negative excess in harsh hazing activities (oppression) has become a part of our daily reality, from ideology level to pragmatic level. As a matter of fact, unconsciously, oppression has become Indonesian culture related with power and passion to get or maintain the power.

Considering the above fact, the researcher believes that harsh hazing is unnecessary because it is not the only way to be better individual. It would be better to change it into soft, such as make a training concerning to self development and tour around the campus for new students.


1. Milliardo. 2003. Ospek Ajang Ekspresi Impulsi Kekerasan, Jati Diri Praksis Pendidikan. Accesed on June 28th 2007. Available at: http://cdc.eng.ui.ac.id/index.php/article/articleview/1115/1/26

2. Sherover-Marcuse, Ricky. 2000. Liberation Theory: A Working Framework. Accessed on June 3rd 2007. Available at: http://www.unlearningracism.org/writings/lib_theory.htm

3. The World’s Great Classics: Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, New York: Grolier


proverbs and lyrics are not a joke

So many proverbs and lyrics that we already know
, tapi apakah kita mempelajari dan memaknainya? Coba kita bayangkan bagaimana kata bijak itu bisa muncul di kehidupan ini...hmmm...kata -kata bijak muncul dari orang-orang yang berhasil melewati, memaknai dan BELAJAR suatu pengalaman-pengalaman yang sensasional, fantastis, mengejutkan dan luar biasa dalam hidupnya. Contoh sederhana "berrakit-rakit ke hulu, berrenang-renang ke tepian" bayangin, orang yang bikin kata bijak itu harus merasakan susah payahnya mengayuh rakit ke hulu baru renang ke tepiannya, hehehe begitu kira-kira. Sekarang orang yang membuat lirik, mau lirik lagu atau lirik puisi, dengan memaksimalkan seluruh panca inderanya berhasil memaknai pengalaman dalam hidup dan akhirnya jemari mereka berdansa di atas pena atau kibor komputer dan mengejawantahkannya dalam bentuk tulisan. Tidak hanya sampai situ, Si pembuat kata-kata bijak dan lirik-lirik tersebut, saya yakin, menindak lanjutinya dengan AKSI NYATA, ya benar AKSI NYATA!! Don't only think, just do the thing. TOTAL ACTION!! talking is action! writing is action! with talk we can change the world, only talk..saya jadi inget tokoh Nick Naylor seorang Lobbyist Perusahaan Rokok Terkemuka di Amerika dalam film "Thank you for Smoking" dia bilang "if Michael Jordan great in Basketball, Tiger Woods in Golf, Collonel Sanders in Chicken, then I Talk” hehehe begitu katanya...menurut Si Arip berarti artinya kita harus berusaha untuk leading dalam segala bidang yang kita geluti.

Sekarang, pengalaman. Apa itu pengalaman? hmmmm Si Arip sedang berusaha memaknainya...hmmmmm....ya itu! pengalaman adalah hikmah yang bisa kita ambil dari kejadian-kejadian yang kita alami. Berarti benar apa yang kata bijak katakan "hanya keledai bodoh yang jatuh ke lubang yang sama" (sorry i forgot the words exactly but kurang lebih seperti itu lah kata-katanya). Hanya orang yang bodoh mengulangi kesalahannya. Berarti kalo kita tidak mampu mengambil hikmah dari kejadian-kejadian yang teralami, berarti kita hanya mengalami kejadian yang berulang dan itu berarti kita bodoh!! Jangan mau jadi orang BODOH!! Kita pasti mengalami kebodohan-kebodohan itu, tapi tenang sahabat, tenang, kita tidak akan tahu itu kalo itu adalah kebodohan jika kita tidak mengalaminya. Si Arip jadi inget lagi tentang konsep yang general tentang rasa "tidak tahu=tahu" (hehe please response figuratively...peace ah!) kita ga akan pernah tau apa itu BENAR kalo kita ga tau yang SALAH, kita ga akan pernah tau gimana rasanya BAHAGIA kalo kita ga tau rasanya SEDIH (jadi inget film Pursuit of Happyness), kita ga akan pernah tau bagaimana rasanya bertemu SANG KHALIK kalo kita ga HIDUP dulu sebelumnya. Sound Extreme hah but hey it's true!! Please response figuratively.


Coorperate Social Responsibility

HM Sampoerna dengan CSR-nya

R.o.k.o.k. Memang ironis ketika rokok yang jelas-jelas tidak berwawasan lingkungan menjadi bisnis terbesar di kancah internasional padahal banyak akibat buruk yang ditimbulkan oleh rokok. (bener ga?) Akhir-akhir ini isu tentang pemanasan global (global warming) kian ramai dibicarakan, banyak pihak yang sangat concern dalam menangani masalah ini karena akibatnya adalah kerusakan bumi dan otomatis pada kelangsungan hidup manusia juga dong!. Selain limbah industri, limbah dari emisi kendaraan bermotor, pengeksploitasian hutan secara besar-besaran, dan lain-lain, rokok adalah salah satu penyebab utama pemanasan global karena rokok juga sedikit banyak berperan menghasilkan karbondioksida (Co2) yang menghambat pantulan sinar matahari untuk keluar dari lapisan bumi. Akibatnya banyak bencana alam yang terjadi di berbagai belahan bumi karena perubahan iklim.

Sudah jelas bahwa akibat dari rokok dapat merusak kesehatan, seribu satu zat beracun terkandung dalam satu batang rokok. Bagaimanapun keadaannya, tidak merokok jelas lebih baik daripada merokok. Tar dan nikotin merupakan dua zat utama yang mempunyai sifat destruktif bagi orang yang mengisapnya. Jangankan penikmat rokok (perokok aktif), yang tidak merokok (perokok pasif) pun akan mendapat imbasnya bahkan lebih buruk. Selain itu Rokok juga menimbulkan ketergantungan bagi para penikmatnya karena rokok mengaktifkan sistem adrenergik pada bagian otak lokus sereleus yang mengeluarkan serotonin. Efek peningkatan serotonin ini menciptakan stimulus rasa senang sekaligus keinginan untuk mencari rokok lagi (SPAI: 2004). Menurut WHO rokok adalah penyebab utama kedua setelah kanker. Rokok juga akan menurunkan level produktivitas karena penyakit-penyakit yang ditimbulkannya sehingga pembangunan akan terhambat.

Pemerintah pun tidak tinggal diam dalam merespon hal ini. Terbukti dengan dikeluarkannya PP-No.81 Tahun 1999 tentang pengamanan rokok bagi kesehatan diatur dalam 5 (lima) hal pokok yaitu mengenai :

· Kadar kandungan nikotin dan tar

· Persyaratan produksi dan penjualan rokok

· Persyaratan iklan dan promosi rokok

· Penetapan kawasan bebas rokok

· Pengawasan

Perusahaan Produksi Rokok pun belakangan ini giat berbondong-bondong melakukan tanggung jawab sosial atau akrab disebut CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Menurut informasi yang penulis dapatkan dari perkuliahan, CSR adalah segala bentuk upaya dari perusahaan melaksanakan kegiatan diluar hukum-hukum dan aturan-aturan yang berlaku. HM Sampoerna adalah salah satu perusahaan rokok yang melakukan CSR.

HM Sampoerna adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi rokok terbesar ketiga di Indonesia setelah Djarum dan Gudang garam (kompas, 31/07/07). Perusahaan rokok yang diakuisisi Philip Morris pada tahun 2006 itu memang bisa dibilang dermawan. Dengan Sampoerna Foundation-nya, dia loyal sekali memberikan berbagai batuan pada elemen-elemen masyarakat. Dua persen laba bersih perusahaan dihibahkan setiap tahun kepada Sampoerna Foundation. Menurut Sampoerna Foundation dalam situsnya, Sampoerna Foundation bertujuan memberi manfaat sebesar-besarnya kepada masyarakat luas, dengan meningkatkan sektor pendidikan di Indonesia, dan memberi peluang kepada generasi muda yang berprestasi akademik cemerlang namun membutuhkan dukungan finansial untuk melanjutkan studi. Walaupun demikian Sampoerna Foundation tidak mengaku sebagai bagian CSR dari HM Sampoerna. Hal tersebut dinyatakan sendiri oleh Sampoerna Foundation dalam situsnya, “Sampoerna Foundation adalah yayasan pendidikan nirlaba yang independen, bukan termasuk kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. Sampoerna Foundation tidak bekerja untuk memberi manfaat kepada suatu perusahaan atau individu tertentu”. In my opinion, apapun istilah yang dipakai oleh Sampoerna Foundation, kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan olenya Sampoerna jelas mencerminkan CSR.

Lalu mengapa fenomena diatas bisa terjadi. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa Perusahaan Rokok dengan cukai-nya memberi kontribusi yang besar dalam hal pendapatan Negara. Menurut informasi yang penulis dapatkan dari situs hukumonline.com bahwa perkembangan realisasi cukai hasil tembakau terlihat mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan dari tahun ke tahun dan perbandingannya dengan penerimaan cukai lainnya hampir mencapai tingkat rata-rata 94 % per tahun, sebagaimana terlihat dalam tabel di bawah ini.

Tabel 2

Perbandingan Cukai Hasil Tembakau dengan Cukai lainnya

TA.1990/1991 - 1999/2000

( dalam miliar rupiah )

Tahun Anggaran

Penerimaan Cukai HT




( % )



















































Dari informasi diatas sudah sangat jelas walalupun rokok berakibat buruk bagi manusia secara holistik namun pada kenyataannya Perusahaan Rokok memang memberi kontribusi yang besar bagi pembangunan Negara. Selain itu juga dapat menyerap sekian juta tenaga kerja, menghidupi sekian juta keluarga.

Hal inilah yang menjadi penyebab mengapa Industri rokok masih dan akan terus eksis di kancah perekonomian Internationa. Hal ini tidak hanya terjadi di Indonesia tetapi semua Negara didunia. Namun apakah sepadan antara profit dan benefit yang didapat oleh pemerintah dengan dampak buruk sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan kesehatan??